Well I worked 3:30am black friday, but seeing how I didn't have any form of ride during thanksgiving break I had my cousin drop me off early so I was there at eleven I completely forgot that the store was closed for thanksgiving day and that no one would be there.. So there I was on a bench just waiting to be let in. The sad part in this brief weekend summary wasn't about me it was about the people ALREADY in line. When I got there a line of fifty or more had already formed for a four am opening. I don't understand the reasoning behind waiting six hours for a store to open. Here I am tired as fuck just trying to comprehend the reasoning of braving the cold to save a hundred or so bucks on big items.
Luckily the one place I hate so very much had a MIDNIGHT opening this place will be called "game spot."
I knew I wouldn't make it in the cold for very much longer so I went in that forsaken place for warmth and braved the weather for 3 hours until I was able to be let into my work place at 2:30am.
After clocking in I went directly to the electronics area. All day wasn't about helping guests find stuff it was all about checking them out. There was a mad rash for Tv's, gps's, and cameras. But 2/3 were located behind the electronics register so that formed ANOTHER line. Haha I thought your tiny six hours will be nothing compared to 8+! so that's how that day went people trying to cut in line and be the first to get what they deserved.
Black Saturday shall be written by tonight I hope.
Black Saturday shall be written by tonight I hope.